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Arts Centers
Academy Center of the ArtsAcademy Center of the ArtsThe Academy Center of the Arts, anchored by the historic Academy of Music Theatre, inspires, engages and educates the diverse population of Central Virginia in the performing and visual arts. Bower Center for the ArtsBower Center for the Artsa non-profit art center nestled in the heart of Bedford, Virginia at the corner of Bridge Street and Bedford Avenue. (540) 586-4235 Rockfish Valley Community CenterRockfish Valley Community CenterThe Rockfish Valley Community Center is a community-based, membership organization that designs and delivers recreational, educational and cultural programs for the enjoyment of Nelson County citizens and visitors in and around the Rockfish Valley. Second Stage AmherstSecond Stage AmherstA grassroots initiative to renovate the historic former Amherst Baptist Church as a creative community center. Sedalia CenterSedalia CenterSedalia Center is a 501(c)(3) cultural and educational institution whose mission is to promote, preserve, and enhance the arts and cultural heritage for everyone in our region.
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